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Harry Potter Magical Studio Tour

  • Trip date :Wednesday 18th of February @ 8:35 am
  • Cost :£49.50
  • Tickets remaining : Sold out, call us to enquire about cancellations
  • Travel via : Route 1, Route 2

Get Tickets

  • Buy ticket online below
  • Or call us on 01227 456 331 and complete over the phone

Join us into the Magical World of HARRY POTTER!

People the world-over have been enchanted by the Harry Potter films for nearly a decade. The wonderful special effects and amazing creatures have made this iconic series beloved to both young and old – and now, for the first time, the doors are going to be opened for everyone at the studio where it first began. You’ll have the chance to go behind-the-scenes and see many things the camera never showed. From breathtakingly detailed sets to stunning costumes, props and animatronics, Warner Bros. Studio Tour London provides a unique showcase of the extraordinary British artistry, technology and talent that went into making the most successful film series of all time.

See inside Dumbledore’s Office, take a seat in the Great Hall, Ride a Nimbus 2000 or play your friend at Quidditch.  Wonder through Diagon Alley peering through the shop windows, maybe Ollivanders will have a wand for you.

Secrets will be revealed!

